Training Experience And Teaching Professionalism Competencies Teacher at Islamic Boarding School Pontianak City


  •   feriansyah  Institusi Bisnis dan Ekonomi Indonesia,  Indonesia
  •   Zulimi  Institusi Bisnis dan Ekonomi Indonesia,  Indonesia
  •   Eddy Purnomo  Institusi Bisnis dan Ekonomi Indonesia,  Indonesia



Experience, Training, Teaching, Teacher Professionalism


Education is something that humans really need, which aims to form good and virtuous people according to the ideals and values ??of society and to make the life of the nation more intelligent. This research aims to determine and analyze training and teaching experiences to improve teacher professionalism at the Al-Murabbi Islamic boarding school, Pontianak City. The focus of the research is 1) Increasing teacher professionalism competency through innovative learning model training, 2) Teaching experience on teacher professionalism competency, 3) Application of training and teaching experience to teacher professionalism at the Al-Murabbi Islamic boarding school, Pontianak City. The method used is qualitative descriptive to look for the breadth of the nature, character and climate of the organization. The data used is observing, analyzing research objects in training at Islamic boarding schools. Data collection through interviews, documentation and observation, data validity through observer diligence, references and member checks. Conclusions obtained from the research, 1) Teachers receive basic training; basic training in the form of making lesson plans, curriculum, using online systems when teaching and techniques when teaching. 2) Rank training; Rank training in the form of discipline, good quality lessons, innovation and creativity in teaching to students and female students at the Al-Murabbi Islamic Boarding School, Pontianak City.

Pendidikan merupakan sesuatu yang sangat dibutuhkan manusia, yang bertujuan untuk membentuk manusia yang baik dan berbudi luhur menurut cita-cita dan nilai-nilai dari masyarakat serta untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan analisa pengalaman pelatihan dan mengajar untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru pada pondok pesantren Al-Murabbi Kota Pontianak. Fokus penelitian ialah 1)  Peningkatan Kompetensi profesinalisme guru melalui pelatihan model Pembelajaran inovatif, 2) Pengalaman mengajar pada Kompetensi profesionalisme guru, 3) Penerapan pengalaman pelatihan dan mengajar terhadap profesinalisme Guru pondok pesantren Al-Murabbi Kota Pontianak. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif mencari keluasan sifat, karakter dan iklim organisasi. Data yang digunakan ialah mengamati, analisis objek penelitian pada pelatihan di pondok Pesantren. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi, keabsahan data melalui ketekunan pengamat, referensi dan member check. Simpulan yang di dapat dari penelitian, 1) Guru-guru mendapatkan pelatihan dasar; pelatihan dasar berupa pembuatan RPP, kurikulum, mengunakan sistem online saat mengajar dan teknik-teknik saat mengajajar. 2) pelatihan Kepangkatan; pelatihan kepangkatan berupa kedisiplinan, mutu pelajaran yang baik, inovasi dan kreativitas mengajar kepada santri dan santriwati Pondok Pesantren Al-Murabbi Kota Pontianak.


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How to Cite

feriansyah, Zulimi, & Purnomo, E. . (2023). Training Experience And Teaching Professionalism Competencies Teacher at Islamic Boarding School Pontianak City. JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management, 5(2), 219–236.