Optimizing Press Agentry for Strategic Visibility in Educational Based on Pesantren

Press Agentry, Strategy Visibility, Modern Technology, PesantrenAbstract
This study aims to explore how optimizing press agentry based on Islamic boarding school values can improve the visibility of pesantren, audience engagement, and reputation through an integrated strategic approach. This study uses a qualitative approach of the case study type. The subjects of the study consisted of caregivers, heads of Islamic boarding schools, Islamic boarding school administrators, guardians of students, public relations, and students. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that optimizing press agentry in pesantren can improve the visibility of institutions by utilizing modern technology, as long as the messages conveyed are in accordance with the character of the audience and still reflect the values of the Islamic boarding school. Effective use of technology can strengthen the image of Islamic boarding schools, but it is important to maintain a balance between modernity and tradition so that their Islamic identity is not disturbed. In conclusion, a communication strategy that combines Islamic boarding school values with technology can strengthen the visibility of institutions and build better relationships with stakeholders, without sacrificing the identity and basic principles of Islamic boarding schools.
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